Our Team
Get to Know the Staff Behind the Voices
Joined: 1992
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Far, far too many to pick just one. Everyday brings a different memory but the one that sticks out is seeing my children now working part time in my office. From walking them to in their pram and working around nap times to now. Well-Man Cars is truly a family run business.
Break Food: Galaxy Chocolate and Green Grapes.
Favourite Shift: New Year's after the bells because you get to hear some cracking stories of people's night.
Joined: 1993
Favourite Well-Man Moment: When I was a driver and I picked up Lorraine Kelly. Or When T in the Park was in Hamilton and I got a £100 hire into the city centre from one of the promoters.
Break Food: Coffee and Porridge
Favourite Shift: None, it's work
Joined: 2006
Favourite Well-Man Memory: When I thought I was alone in the office and started singing songs from hairspray in between calls, but I didn't know the boss was next door in a fit of laughter.
Break Food: Whenever it's someones birthday and Clare brings in cake
Favourite Shift: Don't really have one
Joined: 2009
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Is any team night out! I enjoy when we're all together and can let our hair down.
Break Food: I very rarely bring food to work, so any form of takeaway! Probably a spicy bag.
Favourite Shift: After the bells, everyone in high spirits and having a good time.
Joined: 2013
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Forgetting my lunch and Lynne gave me a microwavable burger. As I had never had one of these before I put it into the microwave still in the packaging. Safe to say I went hungry on that shift.
Break Food: Piri-Piri chicken wrap
Favourite Shift: 6am-12pm
Joined: 2014
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Getting hit on by a customer over the phone and then it turning out to be a fellow member of staffs neighbour who overheard the conversation and had recognised her voice.
Break Food: Tesco Meal Deal
Favourite Shift: Sunday Morning
Joined: 2015
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Far too many to choose from!
Break Food: Mugshots or Homemade Soup.
Favourite Shift: Everyone of them, although Monday mornings are always good as you get to see the happy-faced drivers.
Joined: 2015
Favourite Well-Man Moment: I have too many to choose from.
Break Food: Curry Pot Noodle
Favourite Shift: Don't really have one but I love hearing people's stories on a Saturday Night.
Joined: 2015
Favourite Well-Man Moment: When I was singing along to the radio in the office and I answered the phone saying "hello, I fell in love" and the customer started laughing with me.
Break Food: All the cakes, biscuits and chocolates that some of the lovely customers hand in at Christmas.
Favourite Shift: A Saturday shift as I find it hilarious listening to customers drunken antics.
Joined: 2016
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Far too many to pick from.
Break Food: Anything and everything
Favourite Shift: Weekend shifts as you always get good stories from drunken customers.
Joined: 2016
Favourite Well-Man Moment: It's hard to pick just one. I loved getting to know everyone in the office and all the regular customers. There is never a dull moment and everyone is so nice.
Break Food: Macaroni cheese or crisps.
Favourite Shift: Sunday evening
Joined: 2017
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Getting to meet my favourite customer Mr Hutchison at Christmas.
Break Food: Crisps
Favourite Shift: 12-6 or nightshift
Joined: 2017
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Getting the new system...it's so much easier to work with.
Break Food: Literally all the food (the resident gannet).
Favourite Shift: Friday 8-2 which is handy as it's my permanent one.
Joined: 2016
Favourite Well-Man Moment: When i asked Clare if I needed to book a people carrier as there was 4 people plus a dog.
Break Food: Chicken Tikka Pizza
Favourite Shift: 4-10 backshift or 6-12 dayshift
Joined: 2017
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Getting to answer the first call on the new system.
Break Food: Any sweets or chocolate
Favourite Shift: Saturday Evenings
Joined: 2018
Favourite Well-Man Moment: I've had so many so far. I really enjoy being part of such a lovely, supportive team.
Break Food: Anything chocolate related.
Favourite Shift: Monday 4-10
Joined: 2018
Favourite Well-Man Moment: When a customer ended a call with "Love You".
Break Food: Anything chocolate
Favourite Shift: Friday/Saturday as everyone's in high spirits as its the weekend
Joined: 2018
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Sending a taxi to my own house whilst trying to practice recurring bookings when I first started.
Break Food: Anything we order in.
Favourite Shift: Saturday Morning
Joined: 2018
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Any drunken tales and just getting to know the customers.
Break Food: Fruit Pot or Chocolate.
Favourite Shift: Sunday 10-4.
Joined: 2018
Joined: 2019
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Having a conversation about guitars and then answering the phone with the line "hello Well-Man Guitars."
Break Food: Lentil Soup.
Favourite Shift: Tuesday Night.
Joined: 2019
Favourite Well-Man Moment: Working with Clare on an Old Firm day. It was hectic but I enjoyed it.
Break Food: Pasta dish of some kind.
Favourite Shift: Tuesday night.